Thursday, July 8, 2010

Welcome to the Blog

My name is Ray Rus. Recently I was appointed to the denominational position of Children's Work Coordinator.

I'm the husband of Wendy, father of six children and two grandchildren (seen in the picture below)

I'd like to pray for you, hear your stories, share resources, learn from what you know and give you the opportunity to do the same from others.

It's exciting to know that there are many of you who feel the same way and Iook forward to partnering with you in the vital work of nurturing God's covenant children and building the church of the future.

From my experience children's ministry is underrated and undervalued. My aim, therefore, will be to do what I can to develop a community of children's workers within the denomination who inspire, resource and encourage each other.
I'd like to pray for you, hear your stories, share resources, learn from what you know and give you the opportunity to do the same from others.

Therefore, my work will focus on these four things:.
* To advance the cause of children's ministry generally in the churches.
* To promote child safe practices.
* To develop effective leaders.
* To provide accessible resources.

I will be visiting most states over the year and I look forward to seeing you.
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