Thursday, July 29, 2010

Training: A Ministry in prayer

This is the first of our 'Stand Alone units' of training. The aim is to use these units to develop and train your team either at regular team meetings or on special training days.

We begin with prayer. It's vital isn't it? How is your ministry founded and supported by prayer? How do you teach and lead children in the consistent discipline of prayer?
The answers will vary in each ministry. Yet we all know that God works wonderfully in answer to prayer. Through prayer lives and ministries are transformed by His Spirit. What small or big steps might your team take to focus and improve the way you pray?

A Ministry in Prayer is a practical workshop designed help you develop prayer in four key areas: as leaders, as teams, in children and in the church.

As you go through this workshop as a team you will reflect, brainstorm and take action to build a ministry rooted and built up in prayer.

You can download it here

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