Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Join the dots

What means a dot? Perhaps not a lot. Or maybe more than you think. Recently, at the ministers and wives', conference Toby, Helen, Maggie and Ron from Cadets and Gems asked ministers to stick dots on a large sheet of paper which they had hung on the wall. We were to choose the age bracket in which we had turned to the Lord. The results looked like
this ... 
To begin with, it seems to me that  while we undertake and support children's ministry we do not do so fully appreciating the contribution children's ministry makes to the kingdom. We may see children's ministry as important,  but most of our thinking, time and resources are prioritised towards adults. For example, most of the time spent in our services is geared towards adults (when was the last time you sang a children's song in church?) We all employ ministers, yet how many churches have considered employing a children's worker, even part-time? Ask yourself, who needs priority training in your church? Did the children's team come to mind?  

However, our own experience is the overwhelming evidence that the vast majority of people turn to the Lord as children. The ratio in our sample is more than 50:1. From there, a whole life is dedicated to the Lord and bearing fruit in the kingdom. Look at the dots. The implication is that we seriously need to think small when we think big about the kingdom. 

Why don't you take our survey now? Go to the home page, tick the box of when you first turned to the Lord. Let's see if we can confirm the result.

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