Thursday, July 29, 2010

Resources: 'The Next Generation' videoette.

This is a short, endearing, yet challenging three minute video that highlights the importance and urgency of Children's ministry. In it Australian children speak of their needs, dreams and desires. It raises issues for discussion among those who shape strategies and programs for children.

You can use this to inspire your team, or better still, your whole church.

To make the most of it do not just show it and leave it without comment or opportunity for further action. You might try some of the following:
* Make it part of a children's service in which children play a major role.
* Include some specific requests and examples of how people can get involved in Children's ministry.
* Follow it with some specific points of prayer about your church's children's ministry.
* Incorporate it in at a congregational meeting to highlight the role of children's ministry.
* Use it in a small group followed by questions for discussion.
* Use it in a commissioning service for children's ministry.
* Have everyone involved in Children's ministry stand up or come to the front for prayer.

You can download it from here...

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