Thursday, July 14, 2011

Children's ministry questionnaire. Reviewing your Children's ministry.

For 9 years our church in Wantirna filled out a NCD (Natural Church Development) survey, compared results, reflected and then acted on what we found. Overall, I believe it was very helpful and that a good survey (which NCD is) can be a great tool if it is used well.

From that experience (and from creating and answering some unhelpful surveys!) I've compiled a questionnaire to evaluate children's ministry in the church.

It focuses on the seven areas of: leadership, spirituality, care and safety, organisation, worship, serving and outreach.

It's not as sophisticated as NCD but I believe that with follow up discussion and action it will help churches focus on areas to improve and advance the cause of children's ministry in the church and kingdom.

If you want to use it, please contact me to discuss how best to administrate it.

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