Thursday, December 9, 2010

Take time to reflect and plan

At Wantirna, (where I'm employed part time as the Children's ministry worker) we've come to the end of another busy year. The other day I said to to a friend, "It's good to do children's ministry, and it's also good to stop doing children's ministry." I think you know what I mean. As you come to the end of the year, may you experience something of God's pleasure in your work and take time for a well earned rest.

Yet at the same time I'm excited about next year. It's a strange thing. My excitement comes form the time I and others in our team have spent reflecting on how we want the ministry to develop. We have a vision for the ministry and some very specific things we want to work on.

Holidays ought to be a time to rest, but they do not need to be a time to go brain dead. Why not spend some time personally and with your team reflecting and planning?

Here are some questions you could consider to guide your thinking.

  • What is the purpose of your Children's ministry? Summarise it in a few sentences or key points.
  • Do your ideas match Biblical ideals? (if you're not immediately clear what the Biblical ideals are, perhaps it's a good time to investigate what the Bible says, otherwise your probably ministering out of tradition or the expectations of the church, rather than Biblical conviction.)
  • What are the strengths of your current program (ie where does it fulfil the Biblical ideals?)
  • What areas of weaknesses do you want to improve? List the things you wish to do better.
  • Prioritise this list. What is most important? What will you work on first?
  • Consider what you might to do to implementing or change the important items on your list. Who can help you? What steps will you take?
  • Set some specific items for action.

May the Lord give you a season of refreshing this Christmas as you remember his coming. May he strengthen you for the work yet to be done as you prepare for what is ahead and consider his coming again.

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