Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CRCA Training in 2011: coming to a State near you.

Training is something close to my heart. Over the years I have benefitted enormously from the insights, inspiration and practical help it's provided, especially at critical times like the start of a new year. It's been well worth the effort. In early 2011 we plan to offer training thoughout the states. We've called it 'Stretch training.' 'Stretch' though will be different from some of the events I've attended. The emphasis at Stretch will be practical and team orientated. For example, one workshop will focus on five key dimensions of children's ministry. Throughout, teams and individuals will reflect on their situation and have the time to consider what they need to do in their own context. There will be other practical workshops too and time to network with different children's ministry teams to share insights and resources.

We urge all children's and youth ministry teams to attend. States will be notified of the times and places as they are finalised.

Before you kick the year off, why not take time with your team, for a good Stretch?

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