Thursday, August 26, 2010

Never too late to try.... again.

A good way to reinvigorate your children's ministry is to build on past successes. Even after a long break. This is what Sth Gippsland CRCA has done. After many, many years of clubless holidays, they have again ran a holiday club. Far from taking the, 'been there done that' attitude, this enthusiastic bunch (I know, I've met them) has experienced God's blessing in their efforts. Read about their Ship Shape holiday club, and see if this is the type of blessing you would want in your own children's ministry.

All in all it was a great event and we saw many blessings from the Lord. The children who came participated well in every aspect of the programme.

We had singing (thanks to Mrs Susie who led us so energetically) craft, Bible stories, drama...who could forget the drama team - they were so believable!

The children learnt about what it is to follow Jesus and even when we don’t show our love for Him, as Peter did when he denied his Lord, He still loves and forgives us. They learnt about the "greatest treasure" being Jesus and not things in this life.

The numbers fluctuated a bit but averaged between 45-50 each day - all in all about 60 children participated over the week. We were really happy with this number as we could manage with our team and resources.

Please continue to keep the children and their families in your prayers that they may grow in their faith.

Thanks to everyone for helping in whatever way...on team, as a helper, setting up and preparing craft, baking for our morning teas, donation of money etc, but mostly for your prayers. The parent/family BBQ and concert night was extremely well attended also.

Until next year when we hope to do another Holiday fun week we'd like to say thanks to you for your support.

Reinventing something you've already done has it's advantages, especially if the initial experience was positive. You can tap into the bank of positive feeling and rekindle latent enthusiasm. On top of this you have people with experience, skills and knowledge. Especially if you're ministry is lagging why not get some momentum by launching from success?

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