Sunday, July 18, 2010

We need your support for Chaplains in State Schools

The question that we are being ask frequently since the political manoeuvrings of a few weeks back is what difference will the change of Prime Minister make to the continuation of chaplaincy funding. Our response is that it will most likely be determined by how well we (i.e. us, you and other supporters of chaplaincy) across the country let the Prime Minister and Labor members of Federal Parliament know of the benefit that the chaplaincy service and chaplains are within the school and broader community. To this end the National School chaplaincy Association (NSCA) have set up a web based lobbying strategy, similar to what was done last year so that we can start writing to our local members and the Prime Minister.

Please log on to to register your support for chaplaincy. Please pass this link onto your networks and others who will get behind this campaign.

With the impending election it is the right time for the government to appreciate that chaplaincy is important to the community and its continued funding will be valued.

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