Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Recruiting leaders

As this year draws to a close, it is time to begin recruiting for the next. Waiting till January or February next year is too late.

Here are a few things you can do now to help you find leaders for 2012.
  1. Pray for leaders. Together with your team seek God for the leaders you need next year.
  2. Confirm which of your current leaders will continue next year. Make sure you approach this in a positive way. For leaders you wish to keep, begin by affirming their value, gifts and contribution (hopefully this won’t come as a shock to them since you’ve been doing it all year.) Then discuss their commitment into next year.
  3. Create a list of potential new leaders. Be clear on what you are looking for. Choose people (both old and young) in whom you see genuine potential for children’s ministry.
  4. Create written job descriptions that clarify the role, responsibilities and commitment you are looking for.
  5. Between now and the end of the year invite potential leaders to come to the ministry and involve them in some way.
  6. Set aside time to personally talk to potential leaders about children’s ministry. Don't just ask them to do a job. Cast your vision, convey your enthusiasm and uncover their heart for children's ministry. 
Here are some questions that need specific answers.
  1. How is your team mobilised to pray for new leaders?
  2. When have you planned to speak to existing leaders personally?
  3. What names are on your list of potential leaders?
  4. Do you have a written job description?
  5. On what days will potential leaders visit your ministry?
  6. What will you say to potential leaders?

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