Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Proactive Care for children with Allergies.

Most people are aware of anaphylaxis and how serious it can be. However, few churches have policies or training in how to deal with such a serious allergic reaction.

Geelong has tackled the issue and has created an anaphylaxis policy.
In short they have,

  1. put up 'Nut free' signs through out the rooms used by children and prohibited foods containing nuts.
  2. posted instructions on how to administer an EpiPen on the wall in every room used by children.
  3. informed teachers and parents about the procedure.
  4. obtained parent consent for children who have allergies.

 Their excellent work demonstrates a proactive attitude to the care of children in the church.
If you'd like a copy of their policy please simple email me since they are happy to share it around.

Do you have similar policies that could be shared with other churches? Let us know if you've tackled an issue that is easily overlooked so we can help each other in this important work.

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