Thursday, October 21, 2010

Postmodern Children's Ministry: A Book Review

By Ivy Beckwith. Published by Zondervan

I cannot recommend this book enough. In it you'll find some very stimulating and helpful chapters such as:
'The Beginning of Faith' (a discussion of child development and its relationship to spiritual development.) 'Children in Community' (a great chapter outlining the traits of community life essential to faith formation) and 'The Bible is for Children To' (a passionate, well argued and Biblically sound plea to take the Bible seriously in children's ministry.)

Beckwith does not avoid confronting the shortcomings in much that goes for ministry to children in our day. In its place she argues for a ministry that takes the nature of children and their spiritual formation seriously.

This book will help deepen your understanding and increase your passion for truly transformational children's ministry. To top it all off, she basically comes from a Reformed perspective!

Get this book, read and digest it's contents. Four out of five stars from me.

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